Welcome to the pages of Mystic Miracle kennel (FCI), where you can follow our show news and find all informations about our chihuahuas and puppies.
My name is Michaela Solčanská and I live together with my husband in a lovely town Nitra in Slovakia.
The whole my childhood was in our family one dog – shih-tzu, which lived wonderful 14 years in a perfect health. After that, when I was already a teenage girl, I missed a small four-legged friend, so I brought at home our first chihuahua. All of us immediately fell in love with this tiny creature and it didn´t take a long time to started think about another one 🙂
Our very first female, with which I attend my first shows and got the first successes and titles, was beautiful blue long girl Ice Queen Zuzanin raj. Because of her I fell into the dog world and she was the reason why I make my own prefix. Unfortunatly she left us in her only 2 years and without any litter after her.
Probably the most important experience in my life was in summer 2012. During that time I worked as a kennel girl in the very well known Helmiäisen kennel in Finland. I will be forever grateful to Merja Kahelin for all valuable knowledge which she gave to me and for great start to our own breeding.
Sometimes we have at home except our own dogs also some leasing dogs. We are small kennel, my passion are dog shows, so we don´t have puppies so often. But all our litters are always long time planned with focus on health and all qualities which typical chihuahua should have.
We work with healthy and sound type dogs with the best bloodlines. We don´t have many dogs, in our home are no cages and every dog is a member of family.
If you are interested in a dog from us or if you have any questions, don´t hesitate to contact us. I´m member of FCI, SKJ and Club of Chihuahuas and Papillons in Slovakia.